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WILDLABS Inventory

The Inventory is a collaborative encyclopedia (wiki) of conservation technology and part of the WILDLABS.NET conservation technology community platform.

Hundreds of global projects, products and organisations are showcased on the system with rich metadata on them and a web of searchable relationships between each entity.

Octophin built a full wiki ontop of the existing (also built by Octophin) community platform. Members can edit individual sections and every edit is recorded and placed into a revision state. Users are rewarded by badges for their contributions.

People are also encouraged to leave reviews on pieces of conservation technology they have used, with the creators of the technology able to respond to these.

The project involved mapping out data structures, building an import system from research spreadsheets, mapping text addresses of organisations and projects to real locations via Amazon Location Services and creating a bespoke inline editing system for text, images, galleries and links.

The project has grown to be a huge success with many additions by the community since it launched forming a living document of the state of the conservation technology sector.

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2023 - 2024


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Data collection / import
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Data visualisation
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Multi-user / community / CRM


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