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Cat Map - a viral success for London Zoo

The Objective

To create an online campaign which would build excitement and buzz online about a brand-new big cat exhibit at ZSL London Zoo – without being able to show the exhibit itself. It had to communicate the campaign’s three key messages:

  • Two new big cats in London
  • Brand new tiger exhibit opening
  • Only 300 Sumatran tigers left in the wild

The Approach

Combine two of the internet’s favourite things: cats and maps, and Cat Map was born.

The standalone site was built on a customised and fully interactive map to which cat owners could add their own cat, including a name, photo and description – plotted exactly where it lives on a map of the world.

Cat-lovers can explore their local neighbourhoods for the, see the top-rated cats in the world, or filter by cat/kitten, male/female, and colouring of cat such as tabby, tortoiseshell or ginger.

In the centre was the Zoo with it’s own unique tiger icons – one for each of the two Sumatran tigers who were moving into their new home.

The Result

  • 17,000+ cats added
  • 9 million PR reach including national & international press coverage (Time Out, Metro Online, The Londonist, Wired Japan)
  • Viral on social media all over the world 




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Interactive maps
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Multi-user / community / CRM
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Citizen Science


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