interactive map
Chagos Information Portal - Tracking Map of Red Footed Booby Expedition

We animated and visualised the first tracking data from seabird species from the Chagos Archipelago. journey.
Chagos Information Portal

A resources library and interactive map landing page for UK charity the Chagos Conservation Trust.
Parcel Hero ‘Curiocities’ online game

Can you guess all 100 world cities in this addictive online game?
Interactive Map Builder

A custom interactive map builder for zoos, museums and art galleries In 2016 we build a tool for quickly creating and managing interactive maps. Key features included: Your own site map as a background Fully customisable visual markers for every exhibit or place to visit Image and text in map…
Translating Machform-powered interactive map via a WordPress multilingual graphical user interface

In 2016 Octophin Digital built an interactive map for the Angel Shark Project via the Zoological Society of London (ZSL), allowing divers to record sightings of the critically endangered species and pass them on to conservationists working internationally to save the species. The sightings form and data for the interactive…
Thames Marine Mammal Sightings Map

An interactive citizen science map built for the Zoological Society of London's Thames seal conservation project.
Cat Map

The Objective To create an online campaign which would build excitement and buzz online about a brand-new big cat exhibit at ZSL London Zoo – without being able to show the exhibit itself. It had to communicate the campaign’s three key messages: Two new big cats in LondonBrand new tiger…