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ParcelHero - Curiosities online game

Can you guess all 100 world cities in this addictive online game?

Leading UK courier company Parcel Hero approached Octophin Digital with the task of create a fun but challenging online puzzle game to drive social media engagement and traffic back to their website.

Based on puns and visual clues, there are 100 world cities hidden within the completely original illustration. Users must zoom in and pan around to explore the intricate image to discover clues to solve.

If players get stuck on a clue there are quick ‘share’ buttons for them to ask their friends on Facebook and Twitter, helping the puzzle to spread virally across social media.

Players can save their progress using social media integrated logins so that they can come back to try and join the #100club – the elite group of people who have answered all 100 clues correctly.

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Parcel Hero

The Octophin Digital Team really helped bring our idea to life. Not only were they able to deliver the technical specs that we needed, but their creative input helped us come out with an end product which exceeded everyone’s expectations and has become one of our most successful campaigns of 2017.

Parcel Hero logo




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