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Neil Mason Photography Website

A stylish online portfolio for fashion and architechtural photographer Neil Mason.

The Objective

Octophin Digital was tasked with building a new website for high fashion and architectural photography Neil Mason who needed a site with the style to match his creative vision and high profile clients.  

The Approach

Neil Mason Photography spans a number of different photography disciplines, from fashion and beauty, to events and architecture so the website is structured around category landing pages to showcase Mason’s diverse photographic projects and clientele within each subject area. The homepage aggregates all of the site’s content to act as an interactive portfolio for users to browse. Mason’s photography takes centre-stage with large web-optimised images filling the screen and Instagram integration provides a visual stream of latest news and work. Octophin Digital also provided expert consultancy and practical advice for developing search engine optimised website content, as well as an ongoing search marketing strategy to ensure potential clients can find Mason’s online portfolio easily in a competitive marketplace. Site design was undertaken in partnership with experienced branding and design agency Designed By Awake.  




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