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Food for the Brain website, membership system and Cognitive Function Test

We worked with the Food for the Brain Foundation, a mental health nutrition charity, to redesign and rebuild their website and their scientifically validated Cognitive Function Test.

The website used Octophin's own configuration of the Gutenberg Block editor, Timber Twig templating system and Advanced Custom Fields to create a drag and drop interface for constructing multiple different page types.

We integrated with an events system and built a paid for membership system and product system to access specific events and guides on the website.

Cognitive Function Test

One of the most popular service provided by Food for the Brain is a "Cognitive Function Test", a test and questionnaire to assess dementia risk. This is a multi-page interactive game testing things like mouse movement, image recognition, memory and more.

There was an older flash based version of the test that we completely rewrote, including a database and multi-level scoring system.

Because the data stored is highly sensitive, we created a two-database system and anonymisation through keeping test data apart from identifying data.




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E-commerce / donations
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Multi-user / community / CRM


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