Interactive war hero memorial for FindMyPast
A viral social media campaign for leading geneology website.
What does love mean in a digital word? Dating industry giant wanted to find out so we were tasked with analysing the UK’s relationship with ‘love’ through social media.
Heartbeat is a live visualisation of real-time tweets containing the word ‘love’.
Launched on 1 February 2016, the site uses uses Twitter’s Streaming APIs to analyse public tweets containing the word ‘love’ interpreting “love levels” to cause a digital animated heart to beat. The more loved up we feel as a nation, the bigger the heart will appear and faster it will beat.
The site for the first time reveals how overall interest in ‘love’ changes by time of the day, displaying a live heart rate monitor-style graph to track the hourly interest in love as well as the words most often associated with the word ‘love’ – all in real time.
The heartbeat enables you to watch the shifting emotions, opinions, and exclamations of some of the UK’s 13 million Twitter users. Location-enabled tweets containing the l-word are also plotted live on a map of the United Kingdom.
“Octophin Digital have been pivotal to our success helping us from ideation to final delivery.”
A viral social media campaign for leading geneology website.
Website, interactive map, gallery and artist directory
Tackling low self-esteem, body image and bullying with technology Project More than a million selfies flood onto our social network feeds every day. But how many of these go beyond our outward physical appearance? Youth charity The Diana Award approached Octophin Digital to build a selfie app with a difference.